On Saturday, June 24th, LM Restaurants partnered with NC Courage, North Carolina’s local professional women’s soccer team, for a night to spotlight our Heart for Hospitality team members!
We began the evening with hosting a Carolina Ale House tent at the pre-game Fan Fest. Guests were able to grab Carolina Ale House swag, recruiting information, and complimentary cards to visit Carolina Ale House Cary and a’Verde. Thank you and “Ale Yeah” to team Home Office Accounting for manning the swag and information table and engaging with NC Courage fans!
The celebration was held on the Party Deck of the stadium, where LM Restaurants team members and their families were able to enjoy an “Ale Yeah” catering from Carolina Ale House Brier Creek. The wings were hot, the chicken penne pasta was satisfying and the Kids Korner with cheese quesadillas, and tenders hit the spot with families!
During halftime, Heart for Hospitality winners and a few LMR team members were recognized on the field for a round of applause!