Triangle Business Journal held its 2022 Fast 50 Awards event Wednesday with hundreds of people in attendance. The awards honor the 50 fastest-growing private companies in the Triangle. It was a rowdy celebration at the Angus Barn in Raleigh as the Triangle business community came together to honor the companies that are taking growth to the next level, and in that list LM Restaurants hit the list at #15!!!
From longtime established businesses to newcomers just making a name for themselves, the Fast 50 Awards demonstrates the wide spectrum and diversity of the local business community. The Fast 50 winners were selected and ranked based on a formula that counts revenue growth and profitability in the preceding three years (2019-2021). These numbers were also taken during the Covid pandemic, along with the aftermath of Covid – which we think shows the true spirit of what LM Restaurants really stands for in the community and as a family-owned business.
“Cheers” and “Opa” to LM Restaurants!!!